COde of ethics

Our missions and goals at MJu are explained here, in our company’s code of ethics

Environmental Stewardship:

At MJU, we recognize that ownership asks us to claim rights, while stewardship asks us to claim responsibilities. We seek to collaborate and co-create with Indigenous humans in order to respectfully learn from and implement their Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and digitize it so that the knowledge can be preserved and be more readily accessible, available, integrated into current day society. We believe that the marriage of Ancient TEK with Western Technology is the key to expediting Gaia’s healing abilities. We acknowledge our responsibility to protect and preserve the environments of land, air, ocean, and space. We actively promote sustainable practices, and support initiatives that contribute to the conservation and well-being of our planet.

Compassion and Empathy:

We cultivate a compassionate and empathetic mindset, aiming to alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of others. We extend kindness, empathy, and understanding to colleagues, clients, and the community, offering support and assistance whenever possible and dependent upon our current capacities.

Personal Responsibility and Healing:

We commit to our personal responsibility towards our own words, actions, and healing. At MJU, we believe that each individual is responsible for their healing. We recognize that while an individual is not responsible for being traumatized, healing their trauma is.

We embrace self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-care. We strongly encourage all team members to seek the guidance of a mental health professional, as everyone is deserving of an unbiased, safe space to work through the various challenges that everyone experiences in their lives.

Equity and Inclusivity

We uphold personal integrity and respectful conduct in all our interactions. We treat others with respect, honesty, and compassion, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. We stand against discrimination and prejudice.

Accessing Higher Knowledge:

We recognize the existence of divine knowledge and insights. We engage in introspection, meditation, or whatever practices allow us to tap into our inner wisdom. We do not require that team members have a spiritual relationship of any specific kind. We do require that all team members are willing and able to participate in conversations where spirituality will be a main topic as many MJU projects will be rooted in TEK and spirituality.

Compassionate Leadership:

At MJU, we recognize that we are all leaders, first and foremost of our own lives. As leaders within our organization, we embody compassionate leadership principles. We lead by example, demonstrating empathy, active listening, and understanding. We aim to foster a nurturing and supportive environment.

Promoting Harmony and Unity:

We prioritize building harmonious relationships and fostering unity among team members, clients, and consultants. We seek resolutions through peaceful dialogue, cooperation, and finding common ground, nurturing an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

Philanthropy and Social Impact:

We commit to making a positive difference in society. We engage in philanthropic activities, volunteerism, and support social causes aligned with our values, aiming to create a more equitable and compassionate world.