Moriba Jah Universal

Moriba Jah Universal

"The greatest chance we have to save our world is empathy in action."


At Moriba Jah Universal (MJU for short,) we believe in stewardship, empathy, and the interconnectedness of all things on land, air, ocean, and space.

Our ethos encompasses these tenets through the ever-evolving work we do in science and the arts, and who we choose to collaborate with. Moriba Jah Universal has a clear moral compass, demonstrated in our Code of Ethics, that is the backbone to every decision we make as a company.


Our mission at Moriba Jah Universal is twofold: to bring the mindset and practices of Space Environmentalism mainstream across humanity, and to provide decision intelligence at the speed of relevance to individuals and Companies who can clearly demonstrate a measurable commitment to the stewardship of planet Earth.

MJU leverages speaking engagements across all sectors (corporate, real estate, medical, tech, and beyond,) corporate training, consulting, technology development, and media arts to disseminate critical scientific information during this pivotal moment in human history in support of our mission.



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excited about ancient Traditional Ecological knowledge (TEK,) space environmentalism, empathetic action, and the Jahniverse?

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